T.G.I. Friday's Pays $21 Million in DUI Settlement


Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
The agreement is one of the largest reported settlements or damage awards against establishments that served alcohol to customers who later injured or killed others, according to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (search).

"We think the amount of the settlement speaks volumes of their guilt," Archie Parsley, whose daughter Jamie Parsley was killed in the crash, said during a news conference Friday.

A statement from Ohio Valley Bistros Inc. (search) expressed sympathy for the victims' families and said the settlement was a business decision that "should not be construed as an admission of responsibility."

Mark Eberenz, 42, a home builder, drank alcohol at the Louisville-area T.G.I. Friday's for about eight hours last summer before he drove his truck into a car carrying 16-year-old sweethearts Cory Stauble and Parsley. All three were killed in the crash.

Eberenz's blood-alcohol level was 0.254 percent, more than three times the legal limit of 0.08.

Ohio Valley Bistros agreed to post signs at the restaurant noting its right to refuse alcohol to impaired people and offering free cab rides; to hold quarterly staff meetings on how to monitor customers' drinking; and to modify its employee application form to inquire about alcohol-related convictions.

The Mariemont, Ohio-based company also agreed to remove anyone suspected of illegal gambling and to unsubscribe to a horse racing television network at the restaurant. The plaintiffs had alleged that Eberenz and others had been betting on sporting events at the restaurant, although the company denies that.

The families had sought those stipulations at all of the 30 T.G.I. Friday's restaurants owned by Ohio Valley Bistros, but the settlement applies only to the Louisville-area restaurant.

Another Louisville bar-restaurant that served a beer to Eberenz after he left the T.G.I. Friday's agreed to pay $650,000, to be split equally among the Parsley and Stauble estates and Eberenz's daughter, who filed a wrongful death claim.

The families of the two teens said they insisted that the settlement be made public because the purpose of their lawsuit was to ensure that businesses that serve alcohol follow state laws in preventing drunken driving.

"I'm not sure that this lawsuit will change anything, but it will make them (restaurant management) more aware of the situation and the liability they may face," said Betsy Byrd, director of member relations for the Kentucky Restaurant Association.

The corporate owner of T.G.I Friday's — Carlson Restaurants Worldwide — said it played no part in the settlement and noted the company has alcohol-training programs in place in all its restaurants.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Pardon me while I puke. I am taken back to my days in Pensacola, Florida when I worked for MCGuire's Irsish Pub. Every year Mc's had a HUGE outdoor St. Patrick's Day party; people from all over the Gulf Coast would swarm the joint. The last year they had it, some dipshit got drunk, then bought a bunch of drinks for his teenage daughter and her friends (read again: he bought them surreptiously for his own daughter) and then she died in a drunk driving accident, and this waste of valuable oxygen actually ued McGuire's ... and won!!! It was unbelievable. Twelve little village idiots, who were made 100% aware that this was an outdoor event with over 25,000 in attendance, that this man had bought the drinks himself and smuggled them to the girls ... and they still found McGuire's responsible.

MADD can suck me. If any MADD sponsors are reading this, I hope I didn't offend you, because I'd hate to offend you twice in one night -- once by my crass words, and once when I unload in your throat, you fvcking hypocrities. Teach your children personal responsibility and maybe they will stand a chance in the world.

Sep 21, 2004
Attorneys are ruining this country.

This ranks up there with the multi million dollar McDonalds hot coffee bullshit.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TTinCO:
Attorneys are ruining this country.

This ranks up there with the multi million dollar McDonalds hot coffee bullshit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


That is BS as that case was appealed and the award was reduced a huge amount. The papers never publish how many of these awards actually get reduced by the appeals courts. Or are settled out of Court for a lot less money. Plus juries are the ones that decide the amount of money to give in these cases. Its the job of the Attornies to present the facts of the case then the jury decides what is fair and what isn't. There are a lot factors that people don't see in these cases like how many other types of McDonald's cases where people were burned and yet they still never did anything about it. You only read about the huge verdicts and that's it.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
This crap wouldn't happen in England.
We need to ditch this *free enterprise* judicial system & move on to a FAIR one.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Attorneys are know better than drug dealers, they are one of the lowest scum on earth

New member
Sep 21, 2004

You are correct. As almost always the rule, excessive settlements, be it tobacco or otherwise, almost always get greatly reduced.

I thing it was quite obvious here, the jury was trying to send a strong message, that bar owners & employees should not be serving people who are obviously drunk.

Some clown dring in a place for 8 hours, was obvioulsy toasted, and should not be allowed to drive in that condition, as evidenced he got behind the wheel of his car and then killed some innocent person.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I knew somebody who worked for TGI Fridays.She told me that there were always one or two employees who were intoxicated.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I know when one of you gets screwed over or have a family member killed by a drunk driver the first place you'll be running to is a lawyer's office.

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